First time membership of the Cutweb Internet Boating Club is currently a mere £10.00 from January 1st to December 31st.
(Renewal subscriptions should be paid using the link at the bottom of this page)
The Club communicates by means of a closed mailing list, to which you are invited to subscribe upon joining. This list acts as the Club’s newsletter and also allows you to ‘chat’ with other Club members in a private forum. This website also hosts a forum to which members are automatically subscribed.
If you would like further information, or would like to become a member, just click on the link below and fill out the form and we will contact you shortly.
Download the application form
How to pay your first membership subscription:
By post with a cheque
Send a cheque made payable to Cutweb Internet Boat Club for the sum of Ten pounds only to our subscription address:
Please enclose an indication of your membership name or boat name if the cheque has a different name on it and you will receive your new membership card as soon as we are able to process your request.
Using PayPal for a credit card payment
Clicking the button below will start your PayPal payment. Membership will cost Ten Pounds and Fifty Six Pence in order to cover the extra PayPal charges involved in this transaction. You can pay by credit card using this method. Your new membership card will arrive by post.